While I was at work today and of course checking the news like I always do, I saw something very upsetting. And it actually burns me up a little. As a young women and also the older sister to a few girls I find it very very upsetting to someone as beautiful and talented as the young women below Kelsey Williams would even be remotely called pudgy.
This women is not even close to pudgy. I would just like to know who exactly decides what or who is considered pudgy, over weight, etc. etc.
As a young fashion and beauty blogger, who is always looking at fashion and models, you see this a huge portion of the time.
Yes there is a clear difference when you look at the two. Just because one is skinnier then the other does not make over the other pudgy. When you are always hearing and seeing as well that this ( the above photo) is what we should strive to be I find it insane. We are human, no one should look the same. Just as our finger prints are different our body weight is also different. No two will ever or should ever be the same.
As I was saying before, being the older sister of several girls, it truly gets to me when someone like this writes a post about being under or over wight. One of my sisters is always working out and is always worried about what she is eating. Now I see nothing wrong with that, I think you should want to be fit and healthy, but I know that she is doing it for all the wrong reasons. When you always see something about weight in the mainstream media it will at some point start to affect you.
Almost every....I take that back pretty much every main stream media magazine, blog, tv personal etc. has talked about weight as some point. It truly is heart breaking for. I have family that struggle with weight problems. I feel awful seeing everything mainly made for women of smaller framed bodies.
I always ask myself these two questions. If it were you, would you want someone too do the same thing to you? My second question is...If that were your daughter, would you want someone to say or make statements like that about your daughter?
When you take such questions into mind it starts to really make you think before you write or say something.
I hope you enjoyed this little rant, and always thank you for reading. I hope this makes people think before that say or write something.
Union Leader,
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