Hey everyone so due too the fact I believe I am starting to get a little sick and my plans changed over the weekend I will not being posting what I really wanted to posted today which was a " Get ready with me" blog and I also have a killer headache right now but here are and I wanted to get at least one post in this week so I am doing beauty survey :) enjoy!
1. Is your hair curly or straight?
My hair is straight as a stick, I won't hold a curl at all. One plus to my hair though is that it is super thick and lush. It not to dry or oily, basically on the perfect side :) I normally take a straightener to my hair just to make it extra extra straight.

Yes to get my hair like that it takes a lot of work. As far as how I deal with the length and what not. I really like for my hair to be long. When I was in grade school my mom made me keep it short and I had bangs and I hated it. As I got to 5th grade I let my bangs grow out and I was " bang less" for a while and I had not layers. Then in middle school I still kept it bang less and had it cut to about the top of my shoulders and I did not straighten so I was really think and now that I am thinking about it, that hair style would probably have looked a lot better if I would styled it in some way ha! after that I let it grow out and get really long. When I to be 14 I got it cut and layered and had a side swoop. I hated the side swoop but the rest of it I really like. Just before my 16th birthday I got my hair cut super short, it was cut to my chin and I got side bangs. Since then I have let it grow out as you can see. I have had it trimmed just to keep the split ends as bay and as well I have kept the side bangs. I look better ( or to me I do) with side bangs I got a big forehead so they compliment my face ha. You can also see and learn about this outfit
2. What is your natural hair color.
My natural hair color is auburn ( red) during the summer it gets lighter and it looks a lot like it does in the picture seen above.
3. Do you dye your hair your self or go to a salon?
I have never actually dyed my hair, so I do not believe that I can really answer this question.
4. Do you wear the same style everyday or do you change it up?
Well I tend to switch it up, my style is kinda all over the map some days I am very girl, some days I am rocking a band t' shirt with some jeans and a blazer or just the band t' shirt. How I dress just depends on what I am doing that day or how I feel.
As you can see here I am sporting one of my favorite bands, I wore this to work one day. As you can see I have jeans on and a Pink Floyd band t' I did wear a plain black blazer and a black with silver studs belt and gray knee high boots.
5. Do you do your own mani/pedi or do you go to a salon?
I have always done my own nails. I would love to have them done at a salon one day though.
6. How often do you change your nail polish?
I use to change it every week, now that I have gotten super busy I do my nails and toes when I can. But I normally never wear the same polish for more then a week on nails. If I paint my toe nails I just leave them that color just up to a month.
7. Do you polish your toes during the winter or just the summer?
I love doing my nails so I keep doing it all year. Plus where I live you can wear flip flops sometime during the winter so I like to keep them looking good.
8. how long does it take you to put on your makeup?
Ok this is going to be one long answer ha! If I am really wanting to look just amazing and glamorous just I am mean down right dolled up It can and has take me up to 1 hour. Now on a normal work day it takes me up too 45 minutes. If I am in a rush I can be done in about 10 minutes.
this look right
HERE is someting I whipped together in 45 minutes.
9. What do you do first, face or eyes?
10. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I kinda do both. Right now if you were too look at my makeup bag I have a ton of eye shadows but I really need to get me some more foundation. It just all depends. I normally ask for makeup for my birthday or Christmas and I figured out that way that I could get a lot of makeup and not have to worry about spending my own money on it ha.
12. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
I do my makeup every day but Saturday and Sunday. I believe that your face need a break and a chance to breath. The only exception to that rule is if I am going out. If I am going out then I will put makeup on, now just staying home, then I stay all freshed faced and clean.
13. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone or with your family?
Now you see I am going to reply in a complex way cause I am crazy with this ha. If I am with my parents and siblings I will go makeup free, I am with my favorite grandparents then I am also makeup free. now around my other family I wear makeup. If I am alone then I will not have an ounce of makeup on at all.
14. Will you leave the house with out makeup on?
I really really really hate to leave the house with out any makeup on. But I have do it a few times.
15. How many high-end products do you own?
I own too many to count
16. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
A lot of the time I plan what I am going to wear the night before, but sometimes if I am too tired then I will get up and just get dressed. I really do not like doing that though. I much prefer to plan my outfits the night before simply because I have this problem where I will switch what I am wearing a million times and be rushing and that is not a good thing of course.
17. How often do you change your handbag?
Not very often which is a shame I have a ton of purses but I use the same purse for a while then one day I decided I want to change it. I need a big purse though cause I carry a lot around with me.
18. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
Monday: wake up: 7 am - sleep: 11 pm
Tuesday: wake up: 7 am ( if the 3rd Tuesday of the month then I get up at 6:30) - Sleep: after 2 am
Wednesday: wake up: 8am - sleep: between 7 and 9 pm
Thursday: wake up: 7 am - sleep: 11 pm
Friday: wake up: 7 am - I normally just go to bed when ever I am tired on Friday.
Saturday: wake up: what ever time I feel like - sleep: what ever time I feel like
Sunday: wake up: what ever time I feel like - sleep: 11 or 12 pm
19. How often do you workout?
once or twice a week, just depends on what I am doing that week.
20. Left handed or Right handed?
I am dominantly right handed.
21. How tall are you?
I am 5'4 :)
22. Do you speak a foreign language?
I can speak bits and pieces of: French, Korean, Hebrew, Arabic, Italian, German
23. How many pets do you have?
Well I do not really have any pets, I use to have kittens and puppies when I was really little, and in my early teens I have 3 dogs and two cats.
24. How often are you on your blogger?
I get on here 3 days a week and I write a blog twice a week.
25. Do you read comments on your blog?
no comments yet lol
26. Do you keep a list of products that you want to try as you try others?
No I have never really done that.
27. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well I am in love with the United Kingdom ( UK ) and my style is edgy. Since I use the Union Jack on my blog I thought " Hey why not " Union Edge" and so now here we are.
28. What kind of camera do you use?
I use my Ipod, or a Canon
29. How often do you clean your house?
I still live with my parents, so I really do not do a lot of the cleaning but I clean my room once a week, and I will clean other places in the house for my parents.
30. What is your favorite color?
Pink and in just about every shade, and black
31. Do you swear?
Yes ha, but it is very rear that I do, it kinda depends on who I am around.
32. What are you doing the rest of the day?
Hmm lets see, I am going to finish work, type another blog, and see someone very special to me :)