Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Things I want to try ( Beauty and Fashion)

So as a new goal of mine I want to try and something beauty or fashion related new each month....from a hair style all the way to a new fashion trend ( given that it looks good on me) I am going to try my hardest to set out of my comfort zone and try new things. So take a look below and see some of the things that I am going to try and at the start of each month I will show you what I am going to do and then show you how it turned out in my blog for the end of the month.

Ok so pretty much my goal is to do something different with my hair everyday because all I seem to do with it is just wear it straight and and I do something with it...like at all. So goal is to start doing something with it beside being plain Jane all the time.

Next goal or hopeful goal is to add some color and pattern to my shoes. all I seem to wear for my shoes is: gray, black, white...and no other colors, so I need to stop with that fashion habit.

color and pattern I am longing for more of this in my outfits as well. Bit it is something that I am working on very slowly.

Well Ladies that is my blog for today as always I hope you enjoy and please feel free to share and comment with others.  Of course big thanks to everyone and anyone that reads!


Union Leader,

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